
Lorem ipsum

Submit Your Business

Please fill in the following information to submit your business into our pending business tracking sheet. If this policy is a split commission please make sure to submit two separate forms per agent and use the correct APV that reflects your commission %.

Use the date that you submitted into Opt
First and Last Name
If you're not contracted yet, please put pending
Select Your Manager or Keyleader from the Drop Down List
Enter the Client's First and Last Name (Not the Lead Name) Ensure spelling is accurate to what Carrier has.
Select Your Carrier / Insurance Company
Policy Type
Take the Monthly Premium X 12 months and enter it in. DFL's cannot include PUA (Paid Up Additions) If this is a split app ensure both agents submit into airtable with the APV reflecting the split %.
What date is the payment scheduled for?

Did you submit your application into Opt?
I understand that my application will not be sent to the carrier by submitting it on this tracking form and that I need to upload it into Opt! when I create the transmittal page. I also understand filling in the above information and clicking submit is a necessary step to complete the entire upload an application process in order for my applications to get to all the necessary insurance companies, departments, and for my numbers to be recorded, in order to receive my promotions.

Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form